Fall back

Daylight Savings Time ending meant I had another hour to sleep last night. I wanted to get more done, but once again I found myself sleeping most of the day away. There’s a package at the post office waiting for me to pick up, but by the time I got out of bed, I realized the post office was going to close in a half hour.

I did make it out of the apartment to buy a few groceries to tide me over until Thursday. It was already dark by the time I left the apartment, but the walk to Sobeys wasn’t the chore my mind made it out to be. It seems wasteful to take a bus there anyway, though I was thankful I didn’t have to wait too long for one back. The weather was better than it was yesterday, so that helps.

I’m still working on the post for the other blog. The next post there is an essay; the one after that is a review. I feel like there’s a reason why I’ve been putting that off. I enjoy writing when I have flow, but I often get the sense that I’m neglecting other things before I get to that phase. Or, once again, the cat is lying across the laptop.

I’m just trying to get this out before midnight, don’t mind the banal nature of this entry.
