Bald alien babe

Bald alien babe

I had a portrait session with local photographer Invidia Obscura a few weeks ago; I loved what they did the last time I shot with them, and since I came out back in August, I had been hoping to get another good batch of gender-affirming photos. As many selfies as I take, I wanted to have some nicer pictures of myself for the website and my web presence in general.

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Changing appearances

Changing appearances

I shaved off my beard and eyebrows last week. I had been looking in the mirror and feeling a disconnect between my inner self and the reflection looking back at me; it’s just like when my hair grows past the point where my pattern baldness is visible in my shadow.

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Life update: August 2018

For a long time, it had just been too humid to write. I know it sounds like a weak excuse, but when the weather's like this, I feel it starts to manifest in my whole body and thought process. The air becomes a soup that slows my every movement and I want to stay in bed, exerting minimal effort.

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