Checking in

Checking in

I owe a few people some e-mails, and there are countless other people I haven’t checked in on in a while, but I always have trouble getting started. I like e-mail for the personal touch and the space for sharing private thoughts and feelings (at least moreso than on social media); I tend not to feel comfortable using chat or DMs unless I know the person well. Eventually I figured I may as well send a group e-mail, but since there are people who I’m not sure I have up-to-date addresses for but may otherwise want to hear from me, I decided to turn it into a public blog post.

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Social Distancing Diaries: April 4

Social Distancing Diaries: April 4

My birthday went well, all things considered. A lot of people took the time to send greetings over Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, I spoke with my family on the phone for a little bit, I ordered dinner in from Swiss Chalet, and had the cheesecake I bought on Wednesday.

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Another life update

I want to thank all those who responded to my last post; I haven't been so great at finding the time and brainpower to send my reply to your kind e-mails as of yet, but rest assured that I will sooner or later. (Also, keep them coming! I take a look at my site analytics to see where my traffic comes from, and wonder who's visiting the page.)

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A request for personal e-mails

I miss e-mail. I still get plenty of new things filling up my inbox, but just like the box in my apartment lobby, most of what I get is bill notifications, subscriptions, and junk mail. The odd piece of correspondence from another human being slips through on occasion, but not enough for my liking.

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